Why Choose Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine?

The answer is simple…It works!

Until more recently, most Americans believed that drugs and surgery were the only available methods to help treat their pains and illnesses. Although these are very valuable modes of treatment and at times necessary, they may fall short of bringing adequate relief from many common ailments and chronic health problems.

In response to people’s heightened awareness of alternative treatments and due to concerns about the side effects and limitations of some drug and surgical therapies, more and more people are integrating Oriental medicine into their health care routine.

Oriental Medicine incorporates a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment, focusing on the interaction of all bodily systems. This unique practice leads to a high success rate in the treatment of chronic and debilitating problems, as well as many types of acute injury and illness. Oriental Medical therapies frequently decrease or eliminate the need for drugs and surgery. This can be accomplished without harmful side effects. In addition to these benefits, these therapies can be used as a mode of preventative health care, perhaps its single greatest contribution of the field of medicine.

What is Oriental Medicine?

Oriental Medicine is a complete system of healing that has been used successfully in Asia for at least 2500 years. Rather than focusing on a single symptom or specific illness only, the goal is to determine the pattern of disease. Treatment is aimed at restoring the entire body to a state of balance. Once this has been accomplished, the body is better able to heal itself.

Oriental medicine incorporates the use of the following modalities:

Acupuncture is the skillful placement of fine needles in specific acu-points throughout the body. This stimulus directs the body to reduce pain and realign functional and bioenergetic imbalances. The acupuncturist may choose to use electrical devices and/or heat therapy in conjunction with the needles to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Acupressure and Oriental Massage techniques employs the same theoretical principles as does Acupuncture but use finger pressure and soft tissue manipulation instead of needles.

Chinese/Japanese Herbal Medicine is the use of plant substances which have specific properties and effects on the body. These herbs are combined into formulas which target the underlying health problem. Some of the healing benefits of herbal medicine include: aiding digestive function, improving circulation, stimulating hormone release and enhancing the function of the immune system.

The products used by Acu-Care Mobile Acupuncture Services are developed by companies that are based in the United States and follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards. The herbs used in the products pass government inspection and are tested by independent laboratories for pesticides, sulfites, bacterial and other contamination so that they meet strict standards for purity and potency.

Nutritional Guidance and Lifestyle Counseling are important components of any health care program. Practitioners of Oriental Medicine may advise a patient as to which foods and supplements would be beneficial for their specific condition as well as those that should be avoided. In addition, patients may be given suggestions for therapeutic exercise, stress reduction techniques and proper breathing methods. All of these support the patient’s overall goal to restore good health.

How Does Acupuncture Feel?

It is difficult to describe the acupuncture experience. It feels different to each individual and the sensations may vary from treatment to treatment. Many experience no discomfort at all. Others describe a mild sensation which is short-lived. For the most part, the overall experience is very relaxing.

Needles Are Safe

Acupuncture needles used today are pre-sterilized and disposed of properly after each use. These are the same procedures followed in conventional medical settings, including hospitals. This eliminates any possible chance of infection or disease transmission.

Oriental Medicine Treats a Wide Variety of Disorders

The World Health Organization lists over 40 diseases that Acupuncture can treat effectively.

The following is a partial list including, but not limited to, the most common ailments.


  • TMJ
  • Headache
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Tendinitis
  • Knee Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Sciatica
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Other Nerve-related Pain

Accident and Work-related Injuries

Muscle Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation of Discs in the Neck and Back

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Sports Injuries



Adjunctive Therapy for Broken Bones

Joint Swellings


Respiratory System

Common Cold

Allergy and Sinus Conditions



Gastrointestinal System





Poor Digestion

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Pediatric Disorders

Chronic and Acute Ear, Nose and Throat Infections



Allergies and Asthma

Cardiovascular System

Angina Pain

High Blood Pressure

Poor Circulation

Emotional Disorders



High Stress Levels


Genitourinary System

Urinary Tract Infection

Abnormal Urination

Low Sex Drive

Sexual Dysfunction

Female Disorders


Painful Menstruation


Discomfort During Pregnancy

Perimenopausal and Menopausal Symptoms

Endocrine System

Hypo and Hyperthyroid Conditions
