For Animals

Preparation for Your Animal to Receive Treatment

Although it might seem like common sense, please have your animal ready and available for treatment. He/she should be fed, watered and as comfortable and relaxed as possible. If your animal needs to be tethered (i.e., horse, etc.) please do that as well.

HOLISTIC ANIMAL CAREutilizing laser puncture, Acupressure, Holistic Nutritional Guidance, Whole Food Veterinary supplements and more.

Laser therapy (laser puncture) – is the application of coherent light at acupuncture points. This can help to regenerate cells, decrease pain, reduce inflammation and improve circulation in addition to receiving the benefit of the specific acupuncture points and their actions on the body.

Gemmotherapy was developed in Belgium in the 1950’s. It uses plant buds and rootlet extracts, freshly harvested from the growing plants. This natural treatment for animals makes it possible to obtain a more active medication without a need for large doses. Each gemmotherapy solution is capable of improving many different physical conditions.

Flower Essence Remedies were developed in England in the 1930’s. They are tinctures produced from the essence of flowers and have healing abilities for use in both people and animals and are primarily used to treat symptoms of unbalanced emotional states.

Whole Food Veterinary Nutrition Products – These products are manufactured in the United States by companies that make supplements specifically for animals from whole foods which give a much more complete nutrient profile when compared to other products where the vitamins and minerals come from chemicals.

Chinese Herbal Medicine – All types of herbal medicine are being used more readily as people are realizing the benefits and overall fewer side effects when compared to pharmaceutical medications. What they may not realize is that these same herbal medicines can be used for the treatment of animals. The products used by Acu-Care Mobile Acupuncture Services are manufactured here in the United States where the quality and safety of the herbs used can be strictly controlled.